

PART SIX: So, how did we do it? The Conclusion

Over the last few blogs I have been discussing what I believe you need to do to make a development perform above and beyond all your competition. Yes, there are many moving parts – but get these four areas right and you and your development are onto a good thing. In fact, I’d go beyond that and assure that you will outsell your competition, easily.

Of course, you need to hire a great team around you (estate agents, designers, branding agents, graphic designers, photographers – the list goes on) and having a budget to do your job is again, very important. However, miss one of these areas out, and it may cost you dearly.

Oh, one last thing. Of course, I have an idea on why Bagel Factory outsold our competition 3:1. Buy me a coffee and I’ll share this with you!



This blog is part of five easy to read segments:

Blog 1 of 6 - Making a development that outsells your competition 3:1

Blog 2 of 6 - Know your customer, know your property (Part two)

Blog 3 of 6 - Getting the specification right! (Part three)

Blog 4 of 6 - Marketing & Branding that packs a Punch! (Part four)

Blog 5 of 6 - Pricing, Pricing, Pricing! (Part five)

Blog 6 of 6 - Conclusion